1. Alaska!?! But it's so cold there!
Yes, and that's why people make winter clothing. Cold is also exciting (for now, at least) considering I live in a state that prides itself on extended summer. I'm currently looking forward to 7.5 months with snow, but I'll be sure to let you know when I'm over it :)
2. But what will you do there?
I will be teaching elementary, just as I do now.
3. Are you sure? Like, how sure?
Yes, I'm sure. Really sure. I signed a contract. This is happening!
4a. Is your mom moving with you? What about your sister?
No, neither of them are coming with me. They will, however, visit. (Side note: No one seems to ask if my father will be following me there, even though he'd love nothing more!)
4b. Are your parents okay with this?! They're going to let you go??
My parents have known about Alaska longer than anyone. Three years ago when I started talking about it, they didn't think I was serious. They have since realized I've thoroughly thought this out and and are on board with my adventurous nature. As for the 2nd question, those who really know me already realize how funny that question is. Sure, I value their opinion and would prefer their blessing. But I'm a grown woman, fully capable of making life decisions.
5a. Is there a man waiting for you there?
No, there is no man. I promise.
5b. You'll probably meet someone up there, though!
It's possible. I'm not moving to Alaska to find a husband, however. If it happens, it happens.
6. How long will it take you to drive there?
You cannot drive to where I'm moving to. Hooper Bay is right on the Bering Sea, in the middle of the bush. I will be flying. The average total travel time to Anchorage is 13-15 hours depending on layovers. I'm not sure how long the flight out to my village is but probably another 1-2 hours in a smaller plane.
7. How are you going to deal with 6 months of NO sun??
I never have no sun, even in the winter. The shortest day of the year is in December and has about 5.5 hours of light. The longest day is in June with 19.5 hours of light.
The following is a Q&A I had with a student from another class. It's too funny not to share.
- Student: Miss Taraba, are you really moving to Nebraska?
- Me (giggling): No, sweetie, I'm moving to AH-laska.
- Student: Oh, that's much better!
- Me (giggling harder): Yes, I think so, too!